I understand dude. I am losing a ton on paper right now, wife is bitchin', ect..... As hard as it is to stay positive, just remember why we were all buyin' back when it was in the 2,3,4, & 5's! Because we all believed where this thing was goin' someday! That has not changed one single bit, even today at the current dismal PPS. All relative considering we are supposed to be longs (year or more). Everyone knew the q was not goiig to be super, but the fall and winter months should be FAR better and will show in the subsequent q's. Stay positive my friend!!
Also don't beat yurself up for buyin loads at a higher pps. Who could of seen this comin', noone, not even the bashers! Yeah they wished for it, and well yes they got it, but not for very long IMHO! This will rebound and strong.