The Medical Marijuana Inc. (MJNA) team is made up of a diverse group of highly skilled professionals in their respected fields. Each individual who makes up the corporate structure of MJNA plays an integral part of the company's day to day operation and overall success. MJNA believes for a company to not merely succeed but thrive in any economic and political environment you must first have the right people on the team, make sure they are in the right position, and allow them to operate with integrity and an entrepreneurial spirit.
The MJNA executive team work with industry and world authorities on cannabinoid based science and technologies to source, evaluate, acquire and develop value added companies and products. Each of the entities that make Medical Marijuana Inc.'s structure has a clearly defined purpose as it relates to an individual market, consumer or partner need. By utilizing these different facets, MJNA is able to provide an unparalleled platform of businesses that are unique among industry competitors. The professionals at MJNA are dedicated to "keeping it simple". In an industry that has ever changing economic, political and scientific climate, its MJNA's team's ability to do just that that sets it apart.