As much as it is hard to watch the BS happen. Since it is happening the price has got very cheap to buy more. Any and all dry powder should be attacking this low price.
I've added with cash a few times that was very hard for me to get at this time in my life, and now a few times during these prior down days I have sold my shares only to rebuy them the same day + a few more at the reduced prices. That is a very risky proposition and doesn't always yield positive results. But in this market I choose to adapt to the conditions around us.
Hoping that will not have to avg down the share price anymore, this looks to be a solid level of support. I ended up with 375k shares, when weeks ago I only had 250k. No more trading for me, i've reached my goal through the B.S games.
I hope some of you other longs through whatever means nessisary find a way to increase your share counts and come one step closer towards your life goals.