Gentlemen,..... and lady,.... The other side is an absolute disgrace worthy of a toilet flush to clear everything, ...such flush would be a PR from SNEY to put it all in perspective. The Africa murder trial is old, many years old and over with,.... the new co., with Dale as the director, etc., etc., ...that is the second Co., formed now, the first one is gone and it did not take off, now they have embarked on a new course and approach the SNEY SH's and it is their right to do so. I hope "Tantalus" works for them.
The SNEYSAYERS at the iHUB are having a field day with all that garbage floating out there, but they don't care if any of it is relevant now, they simply want to create confusion, doubt, and dumping of shares so that they can scoop them. If SNEY is so bad, just ask yourself; Why are they here ??, ......just as in a murder case, the police learn that there is a reason for it and so therefore; WHAT IS THE MOTIVE HERE??,..............they want your shares because they know this too will fly, it looks better than any other Penny option out there!.
These vernim are here to steal your hopes and dreams through whatever means, they can care less about you, they are driven by GREED and MALICE. You certainly can respond to the garbage they put out, but beware to engage in dialog, "respond then ignore", do not provide a platform from where they'll have an audience,.......Remember; " DO NOT ARGUE WITH IDIOTS, THEY WILL DRAG YOU DOWN TO THEIR LEVEL AND BEAT YOU WITH EXPERIENCE",........ this has been proven to be right. "Rocketman"