Good Morning All. I have two issues to discuss this beautiful sunny morning, and I think I will start with the cancellation of Lonnie's Class C preferred shares.
While the market just did not appear to receive the company’s news as positive. It still is. Investors must understand how important this Preferred C share restructuring is to the company, and to us, the Common shareholders. In all likelihood, market makers are still burning off a supply of these shares that have not yet cleared the market. But when this supply is gone, look out.
I received e-mails saying Hollund will have to do a R/S because the share structure is too large. Really?
We just finish an entire year of HIMR share reductions where shares were reduced by the billions, and no reverse split was used to accomplish this task. So why is a reverse split suddenly "necessary." What makes this period more likely than others that HIMR would consider such a strategy? I can't think of any reason. Typically, a company (any company) issues stock to raise capital because they have no other practical method of raising low cost funds. But Hollund just acquired its first concession (with a $350,000 loan), and is entering a revenue generating stage. Hollund will likely be harvesting timber, using divers, in the next few weeks. And, once HIMR shows a steady income stream for a month or more, low cost loans used to grow the company should be readily available.
Does anyone remember Triton Logging? Once Triton obtained its first concession, international banks provided 12.5 million dollars in financing, even though Triton was not ready to log. In fact, they hadn't built their first machine. It took another two years before Triton started logging using their submarine system, and that system did not perform well as a commercial method for logging.
Peter Meier stated, “Once this task is complete (Lonnie's Class C share restructuring), we will focus our attention on the Company’s share structure … “this process will give each shareholder an increased benefit with greater upside potential for each share owned”
I seen posts by some people exclaiming "oh my God, that sounds like a reverse split is coming." Really?
When I read those words, I seen an affirmation of Hollund's continued share reduction program.
We do not know, for certain, what or how Hollund will further reduce shares. But who expected Lonnie to voluntarily agree to eliminate his entire class of shares? Did you ever calculate what that number of preferred shares could convert to? And now it's gone. Puff. I look for good things ahead.
The second thing I wish to talk about is my departure from I-dud. That board became such a cesspool that I seldom posted there any more. And, if it wasn't for a couple of posters who enjoy arguing with the bashers, no investor would even post on that board. In my opinion, Peaballs and his friends can post scam on that board for the next year or more, but if no one visits, they are talking to themselves. This forum is now listed everywhere. If one Googles Hollund Industrial Marine, posts from this board appear. Where else can anyone find research and informative posts on this company?
Years ago, when I first started posting on I-dud, it was a different place (or at least I thought so). Investors were so hungry for information on stocks that they flocked to any source available. But today, I can't even name the entire list of boards available to investors. GM found us on I-dud, but he came from an existing board where he posted with others who were also interested in the very same stocks. Trust me, the word will get out.