We still have the same stake in the company as we did when Bob was the controlling interest-they cant do something to change that, especially w all the eyes on them-shorters otc dtc mm brokers sec doj port games permit games contested Mex elections lameduck govt, JV allegedly withholding millions of revenue and on and on created the perfect storm-
resulting in the most undervalued stock for a long time- bashers gave up trying to find something as undervalued a long time ago- all the candidates they presented to me had negative income
due to dtc etc games, some have averages from 1c to 2.5 cents
is coming financials-they plan on audited at some point -dont know when,and sec reg statement and sec/fully reporting and sec reg statement a bad thing?
I dont like delays anymore than anybody else,esp as by default I have to babysit this-I sometimes wish co's would be more careful in their timing forecasts- for almost all these co's miss the timing they prophesy-things always take longer than expected-even in most blue chips-
people tend to want the frequency of communication etc of a blue chip for 1/10000 the pps- it doesnt work that way- the perfect storm and holdups etc are already priced in
and here the risk reward at this stage is on the side of the buyer, unlike the hapless people holding at a 1-2.5 c average due to the dtc games
is there anything else I can do for people for free -like shine their shoes? do you get free stuff like this everywhere you go?