there is a lot stockpiled as per this and other recent photos-a lot of logistics and games dealing w various products,including never before seen games by govt re several audits required of all ore shippers even after the new permit was issued-
so its hard to know all the murphys law and logistics issues involved. They have had plenty of murphys law issues-especially on the stock front. I do realize ALL companies have problems but the knee jerk reaction of most stockholders egged on by the pot boilers/shorters is to blame the company for everything. When many real world situations are not the fault of the company and if I dont know who is responsible for a particular thing I cant blame the company as shorters etc want me to do. Besides shorters bring up all the negatives and shout fire re a 1000 THINGS THAT THEY KNOW ARE NOT TRUE-so I dont see it as my job to jojn them.