I have reviewed the Q's, and I just looked at them again to see if there was anything I missed. Looks like pidley nothing in revenues... I make more than that working part time!
LMAO... you have got to do better than that! But thanks Ray Bob!
So You can't point to anything worth talking about in the past Qs? Show me some REAL money earnings? Anything? Especially for all this time and effort on his part?
Now if everything goes well with this launch, then maybe by this time next year there will be something to actually talk about. Going to take awhile before REAL revenues come in with shows. And we still don't know what PNCH will make after the 5th airport and every consecutive airport.
Lots of questions always left un-answered. Can we blame that on the shorts and bashers too? Because the Lie-Hub boys and girls have had more plausible answers than Steve has come up with. Makes you wonder who is feeding who here...