Well.... Currently most of the "Hobby Traders" are looking for the quick cash and this stock is not the quick cash game as many of them have purchased shares already years back. Some of these Investors are worried of alot of negative conversations on Boards e.g Investorhub... Volume on this kind of stocks can only be generated by 2 ways... 1 way is amazing News and spread the word and the 2nd way (not recommended) is a paid Promotion which most of the time ends up in a disaster.
If you are asking why real Investors (Investment Companies) have not bought yet.... Well... most of the Investment Companies have a Ruel and are not buying Stocks below $ 0.10 , $0.50 or $1 + ....
The ideal way for an ongoing and reliable growth in the pps would be the News , then a paid Promotion from a professional Promoter and not this Investor Hub Pumpers followed by share purchase from Investment Companies etc....