Fantastic!!! fantastic!!! fantastic!!! And a big thank you My Hayward!!! even though we have not known what exactly the negotiation will come out with but it is huge step in the right direct . Yippeeee!!!
Bible say, Ask and you shall receive. Halleyujah!!!
Lonnie Hayward, TigerLynk patent holder stated, “I have been a long time supporter of Hollund Industrial Marine and I am extremely excited with the direction HIMR is heading. I feel so strongly about what I see, that I have agreed to a radical adjustment to my Preferred C shares. This will be for the greater good of Hollund as well as every shareholder. I feel Hollund is positioned like never before, and I will not be the one to stand in the way of Hollund being able to realize its goals. I am willing to help in whatever way I am able, to ensure the success of this great Company.”
Management suggests that the elimination and/or restructuring of the Preferred C shares will assist with keeping the company in-line with its strategy to maintain a sensible order in the capitalization structure.
Meier concluded, “This is a real vote of confidence and show of faith by Mr. Hayward. We are committed to proving this gesture not to be in vain, as well as proof of the dedication to our shareholders. Once this task is complete, we will focus our attention on the Company’s share structure and provide information on how we intend to audit and reorganize the Company. This process will give each shareholder an increased benefit with greater upside potential for each share owned.”