Letter to shareholders!
Dear Shareholders:
We are pleased to announce that we have assembled a team of experts to ensure that the launch of the PharmaJanes/Simple Prepay model is fast paced, will give the company a competitive advantage, and makes us the go to authority in the medical marijuana online ordering space. Our technology will match customers with cooperatives and provide order, payment, and tracking functionality in a manner heretofore unmatched.
Along with a streamlined and simplified ordering process, PharmaJanes will be built on a platform that fosters a community of loyal engaged customers. Various interactive experiences and capabilities will be integrated into the platform so that customers can obtain the most satisfying user experience from being a member, with forums, instant messaging support, social networking, daily informative posts from authoritative sources, reviews, education, mapping, and much more. Members will be able to share with others their experiences with products, delivery companies, and other aspects of their user experience. Additionally members will be setup on our SMS text system so that they receive alerts, can respond to and change orders on the fly via text, and be able to track the delivery of their order from the moment it is placed until it arrives. The system will be mobile accessible in addition to being online with equal functionality on most mobile platforms.
Our social media, SEO/SEM, traditional marketing, affiliate programs, and our application of cutting edge technologies will ensure that the PharmaJanes community will be a thriving platform evolving to respond to customer needs and committed to providing the best medical marijuana ordering system and user/vendor experience in the world for years to come. Thank you for joining us for this exciting ride that we think will revolutionize this area of the business.
Frank Gomez