The following sentence was deleted on the board at the dark-side showing you the true desperation of the trolls who try to take down your stock. These people have reached a frenzy where they understand that nothing anyone can do will change the outcome here. What ever people own in the way of shares will be what their reward will be based on the number of shares they own and nothing else. It's over for shorty where TelVue is concerned.
Here is the deleted sentence.
I bought the shares I have a few at a time and believe it or not if you figure in the 200 to 1 reverse we just went thru and came out of with flying colors the share price is less that I paid for a lot of mine. There are an awful lot of people waiting to see what happens. When it does remember catching a moving train is really rough.
A deletion for these people is the only thing they have to look forward to in a very long day of fear that today will be the day.
What's in your safe.

There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.