I really didnt give this much thought untill Hightech brought it up and its enteresting for sure.
So companies alot of them are stating that we have launched our Tech faster better ect ect and it is proprietor and it may or may not be DUTV but in any case does that mean DUTV gave special LICENSING to that company and now they can say that,
Because as we all have been reading many companies are stating that !! And if so, That could mean a few things too.
1 Its either DUTV's tech with licensing
2 its another company with close to the same tech
3 Unless I miss read Saraloves post I think she said the patent changed hands, Would that change the licensing to other companies.
4 Many different senerios could be taking place if it did change hands and maybe it gave GARY. M a futher reach ot the tech futher reach at a faster pace then he going at it all alone.
Last, would I be alone in not wanting a buy out, And that would not be enough for a gage order to keep this company quite.
Just love this stuff guys.