Porky, why are you posting such negatives on iHub? The news is not disappointing except to those that thought they were going to get rich overnight. This is good news--we know where we are and that Regen are aggressively pursuing what needs to be done to satisfy the FDA. I have been telling you all along there is a lot of red tape in this process. Why are you so disappointed? There was nothing disappointing about it. This is one of many hurdles facing start-up biotechs. Or any start up for that matter.
Hema is one of several in the pipeline. This is GOOD news. How can you not see this? Have you forgotten everything you have read about the doctors and the science?
For all we know the FDA can revert tomorrow stating that they are satisfied with the additional data and that no further information is required.
How have you lost sight of this? How has anyone who has done some homework lost sight of this? Why would you allow the people who thrive on conflict and taking from others have such an effect? The sell off was by those that wanted to get rich now. Those of us that understand the intricacies of this did not sell, we ADDED if we were able.