The following may be how HIMR found the Panama underwater timber concession
Panama Timber 2013 - An Investment Opportunity You Just Can’t Miss
Saturday, November 24 2012 @ 04:50 PM EST
Contributed by: Don Winner
Views: 856
We invite you to enjoy Panama’s incredible summer, while attending a one-shot opportunity of a lifetime. Panama Teak Forestry will be holding the Panama Timber 2013 Conference on Friday, January 18th at 6:00 p.m., at the Veneto Wyndham Grand Hotel and Casino, followed by a weekend tour of plantations and mill operations.
You are cordially invited to learn about Panama Teak Forestry’s accomplishments and goals, most of all, the new timber opportunities. There is a huge opportunity in sustainable tropical timber harvesting, underwater logging for salvaged tropical wood, and the opportunity that Panama Teak Forestry investors will participate in this win-win project.