I hear this is where serious investors come to post about BMSN? Is that true?
Patientgirl, if you deal with FDA/EMA related items, you should fully know that there are more failures in the drug discovery business than there are successes. You should also know the hurdles the FDA puts up to get anything approved. You might not agree, but I believe the FDA kills more people with their inaction and red tape than it saves.
But that is where BMSN differentiates itself as we all know. They aren't creating a molecule(s) to treat a disease. They are trying to pioneer a medical process which has a greater chance to succeed with FDA approval. All BMSN has to show, assuming the FDA gives clearance to initiate P1 trials, is it SAFE first and well tolerated by the paitent(s). Showing success is icing on the cake and will help move it along to PII.
And hopefully this board will allow reasoned dissent when called for unlike Investor's Stub. That's just a pump site for penny stocks.