BINGO EZPickens. Wondered if anyone would see the alignment. Like fishing on a riverbank. Steve (aka the Head Honey Badger) is getting ready to open a can of you know what on all his critics. To do a PR too quick would actually be a dis-service to the level of action we are goiing to see -In my opinion. This man does nothing that is not a move forward, and now he is in his stride. Remember a statemetn he made several months ago - "I feel like the kid who knows what everyone is gettng for Christmas." When Clear Channel pops the cork, Steve is going to have a glass.
They doubted Michael Phe;ps, they doubted our runners, they doubted our divers,a nd questioned our gymnasts. I'm getting ready for the closong ceremonies as we prepare to uplist and pass the flame to the next tier. Again, all in my opinion, because I own ICPA and am loked in for the ride.
Honey Badger Number 99.