As I am sure you know the target for those who are short shares for TelVue is to work the asking price as high as they can while at the same time keeping the bid low so as to create a spread that is unappealing to everyone. Should I post something like this on the dark-side I would be attacked immediately by bed check Charlene with a nasty female attitude saying that's not what the shorts do. To back that up they may throw in the TV antenna repair man and of course our old friend Tavy of trucking company fame.
They would all be correct of course. In the case of TelVue the shareholders have done that for themselves. If they had not the shorts would have helped to do it. For the most part you may place the blame on me. You see with most stocks it's a bad thing. Kind of a Mexican stand-off as the company sinks slowly in the west and you bid a fond ado to your money.
With TelVue it could not be better. It keeps away wheeler-dealers and flippers for now. The stand-off gives the company time to move forward and when ready tell the world of the plan. It also gives the Lenfest group (that's us) time to invest even small amounts as the industry moves forward and more and more profit is made.
Forget the spread and just go bottom fishing when you can on your party boat. If you fish for Tuna as a high roller then hitting the ask for 100 will shake up the world.
Not too much please. We do not want the short man shaking any more than they are right now. Time is on our side.
Need to sneak out the back door due to and emergency ?? Remember if you give it up it won't be back.
Can't pick up any right now ?? OK Relax and hold what you have. UP we win. Down we win. Stay here we win.
Most people look for a win, win. This is a three bagger (pun intended). Actually TelVue is a 100 bagger.

There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.