TOP 10 (Non-work related) Reasons Leo Would Leave the Country
10. Leo really works for the KGB as a double agent and is meeting up with Boris Yeltsin in the Ukraine for "fly fishing".
9. Vacationing in Canada . . . never seen "The Fall's" from the other side.
8. Leo loves coffee . . . decided to take a trip to Columbia to pick his own beans during harvest season.
7. Climbing Mt. Everest has always been on his "bucket list."
6. Went to Cuba to "scout" a pitcher for his beloved New York Yankees.
5. Gone to Brazil to pick out his seats for next year's World Cup.
4. He's really into global warming . . . went to measure the ice cap melt in the Artic.
3. Always wanted to run with the bulls in Spain . . . joined his buddy Jet's coach Rex Ryan.
2. He's on tour in Asia with a Bonjovi cover band
1. At an undisclosed Indonesian island vacation club "hiding" from the nuts on iFlub