Just think about that probably every single good idea and successful story in business was met with ridicule, skepticism, negativity and naysayers speculating that it could not be done or it would not be profitable or that it appeared to be nothing more than a scam. Its quite easy to heckle athletes from the sidelines, its another story to get in there and compete. With no skin in the game, these old bitties have nothing else to do with their time in retirement other than to nit pick every pink sheet stock that looks like it could have a run and become an active "hot" stock.
The reality of every pink sheets story that they attack though is that one can find a negative in any of the the pink sheets stock which trade on the exchange right now and actually there are many that have the same sized floats but much higher share prices yet have no product and no revenues and continue to get diluted each month. Whereas RFMK has a product and some sales so far, along with getting some distributors already. Normally with the stinkiest of "stinkies" they have all of the tired old basher arguments they can use, like complaining about no product, no sales, no filings, etc. But for RFMK they are basically down to only having the dilution argument which can be used and once an audit is complete and the stock can get to the OTCBB to get proper long term funding, it is likely that the outstanding shares will be taken down and the dilution will stop. Once the company really begins putting out real financial filings showing some sales and profitability, whatever the actual sales numbers are, they will no longer really have anything to argue on the negative dark side.
They can continue to claim that the old executives, the mechanic, etc are still all in on the conspiracy scam, but it is sounding a lot like just wild conspiracy theories by nut jobs these days; it has no merit. They attack the CEO with claims that he promoted and pumped sponge tech all the while knowing that it was a fraud and he is somehow allegedly doing that with RFMK but its all just vicious personal attacks. They are getting desperate and grasping at straws. The dark side clouds everything. Difficult to see the future is. I suspect it will all end sooner rather than later and shareholders will win out in the end.