Of those things you mentioned, I am really only concerned at this point in time with the name change and the promised retiring of shares. And it would be my guess that those will come in a one-two punch style (no pun intended!) for best effect. And getting the other Punch logo off the Clearvision materials would be GREAT! That free advertising has gone on for too long, IMO. I know things take time, but I'd rather see a VUTV in block letters, in other words not the real or final logo, or even a BLANK SPACE, than to see that &$%#^^ punch bowl!!!
Right now, VU is in the building stage with a go-live set to occur in the fall. Revenue projections, etc. are probably getting a little ahead of ourselves. Just getting up and running, something functional, would be a nice start. And with Gayle now on board, I am comfortable that can be done. I like the players and our odds now better than before. I also like the renewed focus that is more INCLUSIVE of all audiences.
A few more weeks of summer to go and we're there. Fall is what I'm looking forward to. No great surprise that folks use the slow summer months to tank stocks that do not have any news to counter those attempts. A lot of my stocks, really good stocks too, are doing the same. It's a shorter's paradise...until Fall. IMO