Most people know when I returned to the MMTE message boards after a lengthy absence I was less than happy about the "stories" posted there (specifically on I-dud). So I sent the following message to William:
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 3:57 PM
Mr. William Lieberman,
Welcome. Please bear with this lengthy message. While I do not wish to waste your time, I felt it important to bring an issue to your attention. I do not know if you still remember me, my name is Kgem. I have not been in touch for some time, and stepped down from both the Google and Investors Hub message boards. You may have heard that I was disheartened, and felt a sense of betrayal because of the lawsuit involving the Overcash group --- this is true. My wife also had cancer, but she is out of the hospital now, and doing better. However, all of this is behind us, and this is not why I am writing.
Recently, I visited the Investors Hub message board to see if anything new was going on with Mammoth Energy (no news for around three months). I was surprised to see posts indicating you were personally providing individual investors information not shared with the public. One individual claims he had lunch with you, and you told him who MMTE would merge with, approximately when, and even the Reverse Merger Ratio. These people posting are all part of the Google board group, and they claim they have been privately given material information pertaining to future MMTE events.
I must admit, this does not sound like you. In my experience with you over a period of years, you never did more than hint at possible future events. Yet, here we have posts citing you as the source and indicating what they are posting is certain, they know these things will happen, there is no doubt, and all this was told to these people in private.
These people even go so far as to state that investors can invest on this information because it came directly from you, and is absolute fact. An e-mail was posted on Investors Hub on Friday (said to be from you) where you mention TTXP as the company MMTE will merging with. This e-mail instructed that nothing should be said about the TTXP merger, because it has not been made public (yet, there it is, posted on Investors Hub for all to see).
I realize you do not have the time to read message boards, and probably feel they are somewhat less than useful. However, I thought you should know, and perhaps you might wish to post a message on your Facebook page confirming or denying these very public posts using your name as the source.
You often posted to me that you felt I conveyed your words honestly, truthfully, and accurately. If you still feel this way, I will be happy to post your message on IHUB for you.
I am writing because I felt you should know. Perhaps this is all true, you are well aware of these posts, and you are not concerned about them. However, I thought you should be informed just in case you did not know.
Warmest Regards,
Response from William Lieberman:
I think a lot of nonsense is being written and said on the message boards.
When you have questions email me directly. A lot of disinformation is being spread.
KGEM its good to hear from you and sending prayers for your wife.
with kindest regards