You have a slew of investors that have lost thousands of dollars that have way more at stake then worrying about your feelings. What you're doing is deflecting from the real issue. You have an entire ihub board that was hijaked by haters. There's noone that even posts in you corner over there because they've all had their hats handed to them. This board is fast becoming that, soon you will have two boards that are not flattering to you.
You have a serious image problem. Many feel you are not being straight because the excuses pile up. Look around, I'm not the one saying this the majority of this board is saying it.
You very much mislead people with that up listing routine. Now, to be fair I believe you were doing it to back the shorts off at the time, but coming back later with "to move in that direction" was complete non-sense. The reason we never got the up listing was due to the share price qualifications.