I'm leaving on vacation this evening... finally LOL
Got to go soon, but whatever you do make sure you have read this important document!
Golden opportunity, it really is! See for yourself bro & alert the troops if you like what you see, yet don't make a lot of noise, let them, and everyone involved load their boat first! I've alerted this stock to many peeps and the word is getting out, but these things take awhile to build up so we have all ample time, and a fair chance for all to get in BEFORE the stock starts to move! So the word is to load your boat, before the take off,... that comes with Milestone 7 this Quarter! Thats what we ought to do, tell everyone that a major catalyst is on the way, and that they have a couple of weeks, tops 2.5 months to get in, as that will be the time frame (+-) this new Milestone is expected to be achieved, and announced! Chances are real that a lucrative contract with BAE Systems is either attached to this Milestone, or gets announced shortly thereafter, could be days, weeks or tops 2 - 3 months IMO) Notwithstanding when exactly, this kind of news will spawn a major rally IMO. If the contract is substantial the stock could travel northbound for days , literally the sky would be the limit, proverbial speaking! Seeing this stock go to the lower dollar range is enough for now. Then later this year the rumors about a buyout will drive this stock even higher & if a bidding war unfolds, just like management is attempting, then this could go above $3 to $5 in a heartbeat, and thats why we need to get in now, or anytime soon... Big payday is no more than 6 to 12 months away! I think early Q1 2014 y et the rocket to heaven will departure before that... Just like me, I have to departure soon, so I'll leave it here for now, but I hope the message gets across and make sure others hear it too! GLTY Got to go...