lagirl33, here's why...
Unreal how he says to ask me in one of his posts. I've been investing for 15 years or so, give or take. For years, he has been trying to discredit me. He still doesn't get it that it's not about me... it's about the company and what they do or not do to prove their legitimacy.
Over the years, there have been some stocks that I had been in within the past few years that were halted that he was bashing, but there were far more that I have been in that were not halted of which some of them he was bashing too. he sent me PMs threatening me that all of those stocks were going to get halted and shutdown too where nothing happened.
I can show him far more stocks that he bashed that were not halted than he bashed that were halted, but it would be off topic per IHub rules. Even still, I don't think it's worth my time because like I had always said about any stock... it is going to be up to the company to prove their worth and legitimacy and I believe that SKTO will do just that.
To add... it's not worth my time because... when I respond to those type of posts, IHub Admin deletes my posts, but allow his or any of the other basher's posts to stay. Then they ban or restrict me.
The bashers posts have once again become too personal over petty issues where some of the bashers have been made to look stupid and some of them took such personal. I generally don't like to respond to those type of posts because it would make me look haughty as he looks to include the reasons I mentioned above.
Bottom line, I'm all about letting the company speak for itself as I still believe that SKTO will.