Steve... great post, thank you !
Clarification question about the Collins shares: You mentioned you received 3-million shares back from "one of the people". Could we understand that to mean Collins reassigned 3-million of 285-million shares he received to another person? If a reassignment action is possible with shares of stock, do you have any indication Collins reassigned more than 3-million of his shares to other parties?
Also, when you stated the Collins shares are "stopped at the Transfer Agent", does that mean Collins can not sell, or reassign them, or in any other way benefit from maintaining physical possession of the shares? Assuming the answer to that question is no, and other than simply to cause you aggravation, what benefit would holding on to the shares do for Collins? Any idea why would he return some, but not all of the shares?
Since the disposition of these shares is a growing concern to some (maybe many) investors, hopefully you can see some merit in addressing these questions, and providing as much clarification as possible to this issue.
Thank you...