Hello "Huntwer","CK", "RV", & "JD",..... be patient, and just remember that SNEY had said; "The "Q"2 filing will be out on or before it's due date of 8/15", ........ let that sufice, and I look forward to the SNEYSAYERS eating crow. Of course they won't say anything and as always, they will go silent and deep,........ under a rock.
Bastards like L-22, Mikey, inorout, Austin, HC and a few others rejoice at "demise", as for debbie downer (aka scuba) he is just a dumb ass who bashes for free, the common thread for all of them is ,..... MALICE.
** I asked "abamination" & "Fangster" to re-post Monday what they put on the iHUB today, ...very informative points that "Risk" and I have being pounding all along, however this would come from a 3d.party, thus more credibility/weight is perceived when in "article" form. I am looking forward to this week, it should be interesting. * do not attempt to contact Steve, he will not say anything, nor confirm anything, I agree with him that all information from now on should come directly from SNEY via PR's and no other way, no texts, e-mails, calls, etc.,. It is different now than before "current". As for the negative posters; "DO NOT ENGAGE IN DISCUSSIONS WITH IDIOTS, THEY WILL DRAG YOU DOWN TO THEIR LEVEL AND BEAT YOU DOWN WITH EXPERIENCE". It is my opinion that all will go well with SNEY, and I will no longer make any predictions of any sort either now or in the future, but instead let the Co., speak for themselves. Again, that mentioned is but my opinion. GOD bless you guys. "Rocketman", . . . .