That sucks! I remember challenging one of my posts that included a SIRG chart and they removed it for no reason and never responded to my renewal request.
The GDSM guys are going bonkers with another momo pump that will create another set of bag holders.
Come Oct SIRG will be doing great and GDSM will have to cough up that $100K to continue the Gold Star JV. I can't see where they are going to get it from, they
don't have enough shares left in their treasury to dump. Maybe Marc will loan them the money out of the proceeds he collected when he dumped into the first run!
I have $3.15 in my account or I would do a paint job at the end of the day! I need 20K to round off another million. Have to wait for another dividend check.
I wish we could get the rest of the SIRG longs over here - don't understand what is wrong with them.