Comparatively small sells to pull the price down for someone to load up! Take advantage of it, because when news hits, it will be unstoppable!!! And we know we are very close! This will be a Juggernaut!
If you look back at the posting history on Ihub and here, you'll notice that there was some very serious contributors early on that have been silent for awhile that are now starting to chime in. Thats patience, smart investors holding for the run and not giving up. Anyone who has done their due diligence with all that has been posted by Meach, DK, Jack, PG and others, know this is worth holding. Keep the faith fellow BMSN investors, soon we will be able to meet up for the drink and ceegar (as PG says it) and not even blink an eye at the cost of the airfare!
Have a great weekend all!