Wish I was that lucky. Unfortunately, I was a newbie to stocks when I got in and didn't realize that .50 was a good exit. I held the whole way down thinking they would refute those SA articles, but they didn't. It just went from bad to worse. I was sure that Q1 was going to make things right based on Michelles letter to shareholders. But was not the case. I was lucky to get out @ .17 when the report came out. I'm suprised it has held above .12. I agree with the skeptics that it should be trading somewhere around .05 - .10 range.
The only good thing that came from that whole experience for me was that I found SKTO / AEGY. Would probally still be in MJNA (holding) and I would have missed on the real opportunity to get rich.
The amazing thing to me is that I was able to get 4 million shares of AEGY and 600K shares of SKTO (plus some HEMP, MWIP, & PHOT) with what little I had left from MJNA. Plus I believe my 600K shares of SKTO will become 1.8 million shares someday with the new ticker. I truely believe I am lucky to get in on SKTO at these prices.