as lmcat said waiting for funding and permit news-
and clarification whether NEPA/SEPA env assessment put on hold-most likely-or whether BLM permit on hold-unlikely given the other new permits just contracted w CDM Smith and may 23 pr re permits making progress-
which imo is necessary to renew short term funding again,and to keep their hidden long term investor (just going by experience -no info from the co on this) on standby-once permits are obtained long term investor replaces short term financing-and if they are really lucky might persuade such investor to take over funding now-that all depends on such investors view of how much more waiting til permits done-I dont know for sure that there is such an investor but would be crazy to begin this project without one
this is just based on my experience-others might have different experience-but going in they know the permit process will be long and expensive nowadays -just 20 years ago in my experience it was short and sweet-developers were buddy buddy w govt permit people and would change zoning etc without even any public input-
I've never seen this much permit delay for a pre-existing use w no competing uses and no organized opposition in a business friendly jurisdiction- and its a very good possibility that the BLM political appointee of a certain powerful anti business politician (I've seen the documentary-he thinks business is evil-couldnt stop big business so he has sicked regulatory/the govt on small business) caused the originally approved Aug 2011 or 2012 permit to be reopened