its not a level playing field-most regular bashers are paid-the others are revenge etc motivated-see many long posts/articles on bashing by experts-so bashers are singleminded-all my life I've seen good people are double-minded-which is why bashers win
we couldnt get the truth out on shorter heaven lieflub so we created this board-Max was on lieflub restriction so I had to spend scores of hours over months just inviting people over lieflubs censoring,plus emailing etc, and complying w spam rules and logistics-so invite longs who still dont know of this board
yet most longs wont even post-what- for fear of bashers threats? if you dont get hate mail and your life isnt threatened on a regular basis in this Noahs generation you're doing something wrong---bashers already know this but longs who post a certain number of times and are vetted are rewarded w additional info, as is true of many of these boards
show the flag-I was NEVER interested in stocks or acct or law or finances-got into this to save a friends life-who died anyway because like most of this generation they'd rather die than accept the truth (he was trapped in a cult- became best friend because he was my chief ally in fighting a takeover of a corp I used to be president of) and be healed
so post and let the bashers know there are more than just a few longs-you dont have to say much -most posts dont say much-just give a shout out -try it-it wont kill you