they play games w us because as their leader admitted we were the only real co in the court watchlist bunch- as we know, shorters generally target co's w some fundamental strength so they can milk them over and over and over-short and hithard w lies,pullback and allow fundamentals to re-raise price naturally, so they can short and attack again w lies--if longs were more familiar w fundamentals and did a better job of educating newbies/swing votes, shorters wouldnt be so successful
co's w no fundamentals are not attractive for shorting would just kill such stock permanently and so no milking of the cow
as it is most regular posting shorters work for mm's or hedge fuds or other groups-they know there will ALWAYS be mixups and problems w co's at this pps that they can fraudulently exploit at longs expense
see Max trading post,posts 40, 86, 117