Here are some of the qualities I see in GESI
1. First of all the CEO is Down to earth and has a vision for what he wants to accomplish and the desire to succeed.
2. Alternative Energy is the wave of the future and the potential that is in this sector is enormous.
3. The company has laid out a plan that is realistic and attainable.
4. Things Are happening on a normal time schedule not some make believe fairy tale time schedule.
5. Gasification is considered a green energy source which protects our environment.
6. GESI will be using waste rail ties and converting them into energy. This will provide a save way to dispose of the railroad ties and at the same time converting them into electricity which will power thousands of homes.
7. GESI will receive the railroad ties from OnTrack at no cost
8. Alternative Energy sources are becoming more in demand and cost less in most cases than oil and natural gas
9. Carbon Credits should be available for this type of green energy. Which should help generate huge revenues for the company.
10. Most of all from my due diligence I see a company with a determined CEO who will make this happen and I am seeing the plan unfold with perfection.