I sincerely apologize if you offended by my brotha comment, My Lady!!
BUT, like I said, you are in very good hands here, as I do know quite a few of the characters here in this room, and have traded with them on other stocks. No bad info from these guys!!
If you were in on the CC, you would know that the requirements and uplist, as well as the restrictions on sales of the common shares that we have been issued, have and were addressed, and that after registration, things will move along very quickly.
No Worries here, as everything that was in the PR's has materialized and we will all be very happy, Very Soon!!
And the rest of the LIEHUB Group, Well like the saying goes, “life is tough but its tougher when you're stupid”
? John Wayne
I am proud to have you on my team, and I hope we can have dinner soon!!