My Brotha, I really don't care what those on LIEHUB say about this stock, because I took the time to be in on the Conference call and pushed forward and got my Preferred Shares and Now I have my Commons as well, Just like many here, I am pretty sure of that. I did my own DD and made my own decision to invest in this company. ALL BY MYSELF.
IF you are referring the "us" to be the ones who did all of the above things, then I say LET THEM TALK!! Who Cares!! You Can't Fix Stupid!!!
These are the people that are now coming to the very live realization that this was a very nice opportunity, and they "Listened" to others on LIEHUB, instead of doing their own research and finding out how legit this company is. Now they want someone to blame for not telling them to do it!! And they are Pissed!! "It's not my fault, someone should have told me that this was a great deal", Sorry, it's now time for them to put their big boy pants on and move along.
Don't worry what they have to say, You are in the company of friends and investors over here, that know the value of what we hold. You know all the sayings, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink", "When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." So on and so on!!
To Bad, So Sad, Game, Set, Match!! Done!!
See ya at the bank!!