I would think if MMG was expected to be part of the "Promo" or "the run" or whatever you want to call it they wouldnt have made a "scheduling" mistake or EVDR certainly shouldnt have confused it... Boy, that doesnt sound too professional nor enthusiastic on MMG's part... i guess mistakes happen but seems like neverending for EVDR... well all I care is that we get "the run" we should and all wheels are running full speed and in unison... all parties need to get their S**t together.. lets do this. I think I may make one more purchase. I think we have a nice stronghold on the float. Hold em tight peeps.... maybe tomorrow.. im afreaid to say next week. Cmon MMG.. lets get it together. Lets do 17-16 = 1 next week in the USA.. lol.. I am getting tired of being a cheerleader...
Our time is coming.! hold strong! Go EVDR! Go Ihangout!