The problem at my house is my wife drinks as much as I do AND believes in ICPA as much as I do, so there's no temperance here, no retreat from the constant onslaught of greed! We even talked about getting tiltle loans on our vehicles, (three acre yard full), to buy more shares! My 9 year old owns 25,000 shares! My 5 year old would, but he has a lego habit that would consume them! LOL My friends and family are in, heck, even our cat would own shares if he had a social security number! I take some breaks from this board and the tool shed as I am Mr. mom and run the rental RV business, but I do read it a lot and when I'm not watching, my wife is! All I can say is that all the cheaters better pray that our family doesn't win the lottery or something tantamount, because I believe we would build an unstoppable escalating bid wall that would engulf anything that could ever possibly walk this stock down again!