Some news, a filing, a shareholder update, a financial report or two would be a very welcome action by the company right now. Cheryl Shuman has been doing a stunning and amazing job on the public relations and media side, I dont really see anything more that can be done from what is already happening on that front. I think though the CEO could offer up some words about the details behind the progress on the audit, Q2 financial filings, uplisting, dilution and supply costs as well as some numbers for the demand they are seeing in the present and what can be expected for the rest of the year; some kind of earnings guidance would be greatly appreciated by shareholders I imagine. What has happened for the company in recent months has been a crucial turn around story and all of these positive fundamental developments have been game changers and because of that we now need to know quantitatively how those changes are unfolding in the present. Also I think an update on exactly how funds have been spent or plan to be spent via the recent dilution would go a long way toward investor confidence. More forward looking statements and speculation about future plans at this point is not going to convince the market to come off the sidelines and invest unfortunately. The share price is in the gutter for its own reasons which we have already discussed and clearly does not represent or reflect all of the great progress management has made recently, however, like it or not, many potential investors take a look at the stock price, the terrible chart, price and enemic volume history along with seeing the yield sign and the trade for trade DTC chill designation and lack of filings and I imagine they do not look any further and simply decide not to dive in to the stock. If they were to look further at all of the fundamental developments we all know and love then perhaps they would become longs but the volume shows a clear picture that this is not happening and in my opinion it is because of the reasons outlined above. I think the CEO owes it to longs and shareholders to provide transparency immediately as well as an explanation of the dilution and current status (quantitative) of the company. I can only imagine how hard the CEO has worked to bring us the shareholders value, but no one ever claimed it was easy being a CEO and to instigate a turn around in what was before a business in shambles. I think the current CEO is to be saluted and admired for all that he has accomplished, however the task is ongoing and I think it would go a long way for shareholders to get an update or filings so we can redo our expectations on the performance of the stock accordingly.
Filings, 10k, Q2 report, audit, uplist, update on supply/demand of CannaCig? Anyone...???!
BTW, I think the updates to the corporate website are outstanding! Very well done!
GO RFMK!!!!!