Thanks, fella's. You all make a girl blush with those kudos. ; - )
I'll admit that I am nearing the point of being "burnt" from all of the research and communications. Particularly from that I have conducted the last three or four weeks. There is quite a bit I have not published because it is primarily scientific and/or medical. And as I have been told a couple of times by a few of ya'll, I am probably putting many asleep with it. So, I sit on my hands so-to-speak.
Even with the frustration I share with many of you with respect to the lack of attention paid to enlightening we the investors, I have seen absolutely nothing that has diminished my faith in the company's concept and my belief that in due course, we will find our patience, money & commitment to this company will have assisted in bringing to fruition a revolutionary approach to treating sicknesses that have plagued mankind (and animals) for as long as we have had diseases. Of course, that is since, well, forever!
Right now everyone is fed, the chats about today's activities complete for the most part and I am in my seat to complete a summary of Regen, Dr. Ichim, Dr. Min, & all of the other great minds behind them for an investor that is very much interested in a long term commitment. I might add that the promise he carries, in terms of buying power, is huge. I promised him the summary tonight. So tonight he shall have.
Wish me luck. See ya'll later.