I just had a long conversation with Paul at BLM and what SIRG submitted was an Environmental Assessment and not a DEIS. He explained the difference and this is less demanding and SIRG is able to file it due to the fact that the mine is pre-existing. This is an EPA filing.
There are 5-6 departments that must review it and make comments if they have them, archaeological, geology, wildlife, biologist and the field and district managers. Paul said they have 30 days to complete their reviews and if there are no problems or comments then it will be approved and added to the Mining Plan of Operations and we are done with BBLM. The State of Arizona approves the rest of the permits including the APP, Air Quality and storm water runoff etc.
So by the start of Sept. SIRG should be done with BLM until they have to file a revised operations plan when they start to enlarge the pit.
Paul told me the US and Arizona permitting process and laws are among the worst in the world. In Australia one department handles every permit required and the process moves through in 3 to 6 months! He said even the South American countries have redone their permitting process to make it more efficient.
But we are where we are and SIRG will continue to work its way through.