coffee coffee
Life as it is actually lived!
[ One on One. Just you and ' it '. ]
Note: others will see the steam from your cup;
and then see you in a good light.
This antique converted to iced drinks. Chicago .
Two of the best coffee beans in the world to grind up.
Both Hawaiian. Kona Peaberry & Maui Peaberry.
Peaberry , also known as caracoli , is a type of coffee bean.
Normally the fruit of the coffee plant develops as two halves of a bean within a single cherry,
but sometimes only one of the two seeds gets fertilized, so there is nothing to flatten it.
This oval (or pea -shaped) bean is known as peaberry.
Typically around 5% of all coffee beans harvested are of this form.
Click/on for home web sites:
Maui Coffee Company
Smithfarms Pure Kona Coffee
Turkish Coffee World
Flying Bean Flavored Coffee
Volcanica Gourmet Coffee Beans
J. Martinez Estate Coffee