Hola Cat, Did I mention I had the pleasure to live for a complete season in ShowLow, AZ.?
What's left of my pea brain, I recall some of the best people I've had to opportunity to work/party with. I still email almost daily some.
I even smoked peyote with an Apache on the Fort Apache res. Yikes, I'm a drugger. It was a good experiance, but the Indian still dislike most White-eyes. We really jacked those people around, I guess "we're" the original illegal immigrant.
Your AZ info was a great read, I'd like to add to: (30. Oraibi, a Hopi village located in Navajo County, Arizona, dates back to before A.D. 1200 and is reputed to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in America.)
I understand the Anazai Indians from Chaco Canyon "The ancient ones" out date most people except the people that came here over the Russian land bridge.
Just thought I'd chime in as I enjoy the recall of my White Mountains experiences.