Dont know bout Friday and i dont care honestly.
If we wish to earn from this one , it HAS to be done on the long haul. that will create VALUE-- patience. this is a 5000 M race not a 100 M sprint. I dont know HOW longs can check moment by moment and then get so deeply affected/ impacted. I am so sure of this hitting 0.25 in jan that i have STOPPED seeing the prices in day-time. i usually see well after 10 pm -- in lesiure.
I am playin this the Warren B way( who is my Guru in stocks)--- FILL IT SHUT IT .. FORGET IT!
the man made millions by spotting the RIGHT share, and then after getting filled, he would wait for YEARS!
I place ICPA in that category-- i see FANTASTIC value... BUT in the future NOT immediately--- nerves will be tested-- those who have weak nerves will be tormented.
Hear all if ya have ears!-- its all my opinion guys. do yer dd pls