Hmmm...Wind, LED and Solar now too...sounds like a plan that is coming together,
"Solar Integration - Rooftop Solar Application
Solar power, specifically photovoltaic (PV) panels have been a mainstay in commercial rooftop renewable energy solutions for many years. With the booming interest in on-site wind power, Building Turbines, Inc. developed a rooftop wind turbine solution that perfectly integrates with solar installations.
By using just a small footprint along the prevailing wind edge of a given building for each turbine, the remaining rooftop area is preserved for solar capacity.
Benefits from Combined Wind and Solar
The combination of solar and wind power offers a powerful renewable energy solution. Both solar and wind are intermittent sources of energy. Solar power is effective during predictable periods of time throughout the day. Wind turbines can produce energy at any time of day or night. Savings from shared electrical components and installation costs can be substantial."