Added 100k today. Now been over a month since I panic sold my 1mil, immediately regretted, and slowly accumulated them back, many bought back for more than I sold for... Today I finally regained my position in full and will for the first time in a month, get a good night sleep knowing that all of this gem is back in the vault.
It's unfortunate about such a long holdup with CC. I have a feeling Steve has a steady stream of news ready for us that he can't release till that's been announced. It's like we're being held hostage.
I'm not monitoring this day to day anymore. I don't care what the price is tomorrow, next week, or next month. What I realized after I sold it was that it's worth a hell of a lot more to me than the current PPS and as long as I can see the value in it, then that's all I need to justify my investment. The rest of the world will catch up eventually as Steve's plans come together. I definitely see this on NASDAQ eventually although it might take longer than Christmas of 2013 to get there. If it is by then, great, but I'm ready to give it 3-5 years to see the true value of ICPA.
Most penny stocks would be considered a huge success if they had a television commercial. Well we own a freakin television NETWORK!