Someone alerted QTMM to me, and here is my reply.
I suggest you read it and then you'll understand why I pound the table on this one!
There are some similarities, like working in the semiconductor space and GaAs but it quickly ends there. OPL is a much better choice bro, no offense, but it really is! I only had one look at the latest Q report of QTMM & I knew enough. Barely any cash on hand, nearly $4 Mil in Current Liabilities, which have to be paid in the next 12 months & high Administrative and General costs. I don't want to be negative but this isn't looking good bro. I would even call it a dilution bomb waiting to go off. The chart reflects that. At face value one could say this is a bottom entry, but if I look at the financials then I'm afraid the next round of dilution to satisfy their liabilities will only take it down even more. Maybe they're close to a lucrative contract, or expecting a substantial cash infusion in the near time future, but if not, I just cannot imagine how they'll pay their liabilities, operating costs and R&D without it. Speaking of which, according the Q report they only spent $18k in R&D for the nine months ending in March, this isn't enough to research & develop in such a manner that would suggest a finished product is near.
To compare this to OPL, and one of the reasons I say OPL is a much better choice, OPL had $6.8 Million cash on hand at end of March! They had an oversubscribed Private Placement of $7.2 Mil earlier this year, which makes them liquid enough to satisfy all the their liabilities for the next 18 months. NO DILUTION NEEDED! This notion alone makes it much safer to enter...
OPL has $8.6 Mil in Assets & 'only' $1.4 Mil in Liabilities! Thats a big difference in respect to QTMM. Here's another one, OPL spends more than $300k / Q on R&D, where they are developing the POET Platform. This is an industry disruptive and revolutionary core technology upon many applications can be build. Ranging from Semiconductors, Ultra Low Power RAM, Telecommunications, Satellites, Avionics, Infrared Lasers and Sensors for the military etc etc etc... Speaking of which, BAE Systems, the second largest military contractor in the world is working together with OPL. Not only do they reproduce the Milestones OPL reaches in their research lab at the Univ of Connecticut, to further validate POET, but they're also developing IR Sensors based on the revolutionary POET Platform already!
POET is like inventing bricks, and have all the Patents and Exclusive rights to it. Knowing what humans did with bricks in the past thousands of years, can you imagine having the Patents and Exclusive rights to that?! THIS IS HUGE!
Me just looking at the financials of both companies I have to say that I know enough, and I strongly urge you to start your thorough DD on OPL and revisit QTMM once they're in a much better financial state... The evidence speaks for itself no?!
But here's the deal with OPL and THE reason why I say OPL is the better choice.
Management is currently exploring the best monetization strategy, this could be licensing, or a combination of licensing and then sell the POET Platform to the highest bidder. In fact the latter is what they'll be pursuing near the end of this year, early next. In this Quarter Milestone 7 will be announced, the timeline may differ slightly but thereabouts. They recently announced Milestone 6 ahead of schedule, so this could imply that MS 7 will be done sooner. Together with MS 7 there could be a lucrative deal attached with BAE Systems ranging in the multi million $$ range. Hard to say how much exactly, could be $5, $50 or a $100 mil deal. But that is still peanuts to what's at stake here. Because OPL's management will be introducing POET to Silicon Valley in the next couple of months, not only that, they're getting the word out to 50 companies and then they'll set up a well orchestrated auction to sell POET, and sell it to the highest bidder! Think $1 Billion, or more, but lets take $1 B. OPL has a Fully Diluted share count of approximately 150 Mil shares. 1,000,000,000 : 150,000,000 equates to a buyout price of $6.6/share... or thereabouts, depending how high the highest bid goes... No offense, but OPL = a much better choice!
Just compare the financials of QTMM & OPL and hopefully you'll see the light
PS I posted this here not to belittle QTMM but because I have to repeat the same message too often, and now everyone who bothers to read this to this point knows what's on the table... GLTA & GO OPL