A quick re-cap of what I heard and seen in the video GM posted:
July 19, 2013 Hollund Industrial Marine announced they secured their first concession good for five years.
The concession is in Lake Bayano, located approximately 2 hours East of Panama City.
Harvesting will begin in September or October of this year, and Hollund will start harvesting with divers using local Kuna Indians from the San Blas Islands. The Kuna Indians are very experienced at underwater tree harvesting. By utilizing divers rather than waiting for a TigerLynk build, Hollund expects revenue generation in 4Q.
Hollund's first concession is 1,000 Hectors, or approximately 4 square miles. Hollund estimates the concession to hold between 40,000 to 50,000 trees. A range of tree species are present. These trees include Ipe, Mahogany, Rosewood, and nearly 40 other species. The trees in this concession are said to be quite large, some measuring up to eleven feet in diameter.
A TigerLynk build will start shortly after harvesting begins in September/October, and is expected to be finished in 2014.
Lake Bayano is Panama's second largest lake, measuring approximately 350 square Kilometers. This means many more concessions may be available within this lake.
Hollund announced a new partnership with B&D Madera. This company will provide milling, transport, and distribution services.
Lake Bayano: Although there are other lakes in Panama, none are as tranquil and undisturbed as Bayano. The lake is man-made, created in 1979 to supply water power to a hydroelectric plant that continues to supply Panama City and the surrounding provinces with electricity.
The trees are quite large, some up to 11 feet in diameter at the base.
Trees Of Panama: