Oh I know ALL about the liberty issue..I deal with this on my back doorstep:
Don't even watch TV any more. Yep, all garbage. A few movies.
Fluoride-- that's still good...I think...grew up on well water and had a$$loads of cavities. But the major epidemic in Latin America is high fructose corn syrup....rotting kids' teeth in the rural areas, no brushing, either. Cheaper than real juice, so Coca Cola effing up the world.....no one cares about the kids and dentists are horrid or out of price range.
Bush...no comment other than he was a very dumb man that couldn't think his way out of a corn maze. Puppet. Started the decline of the nation.
Dunno about the FEMA camps...have relatives south of NOLA but havent heard.
I'm not sure people will let another extremist in without knowing their pot position....tough to say...for some it's becoming one voting issue...people are sick of this plant being demonized and the drug war in general....and now that the NAACP and the ACLU have stepped in,...well, people are lawyering up and putting on the Kevlar in case the govt refuses to LIE about its medical value....the claim of need for Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials is BS to delay legalization, they are afraid for the foreign policy changes needed in Latin America, the UN,...they have many things to contend with, but the refusal to accept peer-revieed journal study data is unconscionable.....as one former DEA agent said, if drugs were weapons, MJ is the rubber spatula among them...something like that.
skto long