@Leverage102 - Hi there I will know more this coming week. To be honest, I had no idea how long it would take to sell the CANNAcig's with GotVape.com/Nano. I was a bit surprised, happily so, but actually THRILLED inside when I got the news!!!! We have so much to discuss on Monday. Keep in mind, we also have the Seattle Hempfest coming up where we are going to be joining GotVape and I'm speaking both on the main stage and on a panel or two
Notice anyone that you know on that list ?
Who's going to come and visit with me at the Seattle Hempfest? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get video blogs with as many of you as possible for the RFMK website with us all having a CANNAcig in Seattle!!!! Wouldn't that be awesome?
Who's going to be attending the VIP party at the Seattle Hempfest with me????